Oregon Chorale

Oregon Chorale

Appears on: Comfort & Joy

The Oregon Chorale is a highly acclaimed non-profit choral arts organization based in Washington County. Founded in 1985 by Bernie Kuehn, the Oregon Chorale has established a reputation for excellence in choral performance, showcasing a diverse repertoire of classical and contemporary music. The Chorale’s sixty singers hail from across Oregon and SW Washington and share a passion for singing challenging, beautiful music that is matched only by their love of community and the fun they create together.

Led by their artistic director Jason Sabino, the Oregon Chorale has become increasingly active in the community, enjoying regular collaborations with the Oregon Symphony and other non-profit organizations. The Chorale has expanded its performances beyond choral masterworks to include works by living composers, concerts that connect members of the community with welfare resources, and much more. The Oregon Chorale also actively engages in educational outreach through its Emerging Voices program, providing free internships, voice lessons, and workshops to local Washington County school choral programs.

For more information, please visit www.oregonchorale.org.

Oregon Choral Roster

Ann Woods
Caitlin Stave
Colleen Graves
Eleanor Lange
Karin Allen
Jenn Binkley-Sabino
Lindsey Lefler
Marissa Smith
Samantha Vialpando
Shawn Harper
Shirley Liu
Whitney Diffenderfer
Zoie Harpole

Addison Domenigoni
Anne Weld-Martin
Ariana Davis
Colleen Ahrens
Courtney Skye Holmes
Gina Machlan
Jack Wattier
Mark Wickham
Mary King
Michelle Valko
Nancy Culolias

Austin Enriquez
Austin Randall
Colin Stave
Dale André
Derick Watson
Dru Zimmerman
Hao Tran
Kaya Hellman
Markus Cadiz

Aaron Richardson
Aiden Javurek-Humig
Andrew Kent
Ben Pierce
Julian Taylor
Laurence Cox
Reece Sauvé
Spencer Beste
Stephen Loftus
Thomas McAulay
Todd Fisher
Tom Harper