Ordinary people can make extraordinary gifts, securing our future and moving music forward! Whether it’s a gift of stock, IRA rollover or beneficiary designation, real estate, life insurance policy, or a bequest, there are many ways to meet your goals while leaving a meaningful legacy for future generations. Our development team welcomes the opportunity to help you and answer questions – give us a call or email.
Hilary Blakemore, Vice President for Development
“We’ve been attending concerts and watching the Symphony grow for over 50 years, and are grateful to have such a wonderful orchestra in our beautiful state. At a time when government support is uncertain, it is particularly important that community members donate to our orchestra. Please, join us in making the Oregon Symphony part of your legacy for future generations.”
– Scott and Margaret Arighi, Encore Society members
Established to recognize those generous individuals who have remembered the Oregon Symphony in their estate plans, the Oregon Symphony Encore Society provides members with special activities and opportunities to connect more deeply with the organization. To be included, please complete the form at the link below.
Proceeds from the Oregon Symphony’s endowment, as managed by the Oregon Community Foundation, provide a reliable source of funds every year for the Symphony’s operating budget. The principal is invested to generate annual interest income in perpetuity. It allows the Symphony flexibility to meet changing needs, ensures effective planning, and provides essential funds for all that we do, including our education and outreach programs.
Support your Oregon Symphony by attending one of our special events, ranging from intimate and convivial to elegant and black-tie.
Avoid taxes, fees, and other penalties by making a direct transfer from your IRA to the Oregon Symphony Association.